Read on for insights, tips, and strategies to enhance your ability to lead with clarity, inspire with confidence, and drive impactful change.
Three Hidden Biases That Undermine Your Decisions
Great leadership requires strong decisions. Yet biases can cloud judgment. Effective leaders counteract these biases and focus on future potential, not past commitments. I see leaders fall into three common traps.
Building High-Performing Teams
High-performing teams don’t happen by chance—they are built through intentional leadership and clear direction. As a leader, your role is to delegate and empower your team.
The Five-Step Framework for Persuasion
Effective leaders use a powerful five-step framework that mirrors human thinking patterns, guiding their audience step-by-step toward the action they want. They understand the core needs driving human behavior and know exactly how to tap into those motivations.
Building a Sense of Purpose: The Key to Motivating and Engaging Your Team
My decades of work, teaching, and personal experience have shown that creating a shared sense of purpose within your team is by far the most motivating factor out there.
The Power of Clear Communication
Effective communication is the backbone of leadership. People who communicate well just seem to “get” the people they are talking to. Effective communication address both content (objective story) and emotion (subjective feelings).
Are You a Creator or a Consumer?
How do you spend your spare time? Do you spend it creating—pursuing your passions, bringing new ideas into the world? Or are you simply consuming, sitting in front of the TV, taking in what others have produced?
I’m Giving You These Comments
Some time ago, I was grappling with how to effectively motivate my GSU students when I stumbled upon an article by Daniel Coyle. The article highlighted a powerful phrase that had a surprising impact on student performance:
“I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations and I know that you can reach them.”
One Day or Day One—You Decide
This year, my running calendar has inspired me to strive for my best. Today’s quote, “One Day or Day One—You Decide,” hit me hard. It represents a powerful mindset shift.
I’m Just Looking for Some...
You know the song, “Tush” by ZZ Top? I always thought they were looking for some “touch.”
I have been happily singing along to this song for decades, thinking it was about seeking connection.
Leaders Anticipate
Do you anticipate or do you react?
I heard this question recently on a podcast and it got me thinking. Leaders anticipate future issues. Everyone else follows and reacts.
Building a Relationship with Life
I recently watched the TED Talk, “What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness” by Robert Waldinger, MD, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development.