The Secret Weapon of Great Communicators

As a Type A, world-class talker, one of the hardest (but most valuable) lessons I’ve learned is to talk less and listen more.

My mom was right—God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. (And I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just for symmetry.)

The good news is being a great listener is way easier than being a great talker because you don’t have to stress over saying the perfect thing. You can stop planning your response while the other person is speaking and just listen.

People don’t just want to be heard; they want to feel understood. That starts with active listening.

How to Listen Like a Pro (Without Just Pretending to)

  • Be fully present. Put your phone down. No one wants to compete with your notifications.

  • Use nonverbal cues. Are you leaning in? Do you look engaged? Or are your arms crossed, eyes scanning the room like you’re searching for an escape route? (Spoiler: people notice.)

  • Avoid interrupting. As a fast-talking Yankee, I have to stop myself from finishing people’s sentences. Turns out, they don’t appreciate it. Let them finish before you jump in.

  • Keep an open mind. Remember this saying and use it often: You might be right.

  • Manage your emotions. Bring your emotions to the conversation—just don’t let them hijack it.

At the end of the day, the best communicators listen more than they speak.

Because active listening isn’t just about hearing words—it’s about making people feel seen, valued, and heard.

So, how will you show your team (and your family) you’re truly listening this week?


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