
Read on for insights, tips, and strategies to enhance your ability to lead with clarity, inspire with confidence, and drive impactful change.

Shannon GaNun Shannon GaNun

I’m Just Looking for Some...

You know the song, “Tush” by ZZ Top? I always thought they were looking for some “touch.”

I have been happily singing along to this song for decades, thinking it was about seeking connection.

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Shannon GaNun Shannon GaNun

Leaders Anticipate

Do you anticipate or do you react?

I heard this question recently on a podcast and it got me thinking. Leaders anticipate future issues. Everyone else follows and reacts.

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Shannon GaNun Shannon GaNun

Relationship with Life

I recently watched the TED Talk, “What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness” by Robert Waldinger, MD, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development.

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