Is Anyone Looking?

I had a great ride on my Peloton bike this morning. I love that thing!

It got me thinking about showing up and doing the work, even by yourself.

  • When no one is looking, and it is just you, do you push yourself harder?
  • Do you push yourself further?
  • Do you show up, just for you?

These are the types of questions I ask students in my fitness classes all the time. It is somewhat ironic, because I say how much harder I work when I am in a group fitness class than when I am by myself.

But still, I remember to ask these questions when it is just me doing the work—whatever the work is.

  • When no one is looking, and it is just you, do you push yourself harder?
  • Do you push yourself further?
  • Do you show up, just for you?

I try to answer yes to these questions, every single time. I am not even close to perfect on this, but I still try. I hope you do, too.

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