Tea v. Cocktails—Who Wins?

A few months ago, I watched this short TED Talk by Matt Cutts titled, “Try something new for 30 days.” I have done this for a few months and am hooked on 30-day challenges.

I spent the month of March with this challenge: “Make tea before bed.” This was a random pick out of my “30-day Challenge Jar,” which includes dozens of ideas gleaned from Google searches.

I have to say, this was a pretty easy challenge, so it was easy to do…except on those days when I forgot.

Granted, the three days I forgot turned out to be the days I had a beer after dinner…go figure.

In retrospect, I probably should have set an alarm, but I did not bother, because I figured, how hard can it be to remember to drink tea after dinner?

Turns out on those days I had the alcohol, it was hard.

I learned two lessons this month.

  1. If you really want to do something every day, set an alarm on your phone.
  2. If you really want to stick with a plan, ditch the booze.

I have to admit that this is not the first time I have learned these lessons, and it probably will not be the last, but the reminder from this 30-day challenge was helpful.

My challenge for April also seems pretty easy: “Set a bedtime and stick to it.” My alarm is set, so I do not have to worry about missing my bedtime. I am concerned, though, if I will remember lesson #2.

Cocktail, anyone?

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