Building High-Performing Teams

High-performing teams don’t happen by chance—they are built through intentional leadership and clear direction.

According to Tuckman’s model, teams progress through four stages: forming, storming, norming, and performing. The performing stage is where teams shine. They operate with trust, collaboration, and a shared vision.

As a leader, your role is to delegate and empower your team. Here are three ways for you to do that:

  1. Encourage ownership: Trust your team with decision-making and problem-solving.

  2. Provide resources: Ensure they have what they need to excel.

  3. Celebrate wins: Recognize achievements, big or small, to maintain momentum.

Here is an activity I love to do during team trainings and when teaching undergraduates at Georgia Southern University. I call it One-Word Story. It sounds hokey, yet it works by enhancing creativity, active listening, and collaboration.

  • Stand in a circle.

  • Start a story with a single word (e.g., “Once”).

  • Going around the circle, each person adds one word to continue the story.

The aim is to create a coherent story with each participant contributing only one word at a time. These sometimes turn out to be hilarious. One-Word story also works at the dinner table.

When teams feel valued and supported, they exceed expectations. What will you do to elevate your team this week?


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