My Blog


What Makes a Winner?

This was the big week in the public speaking class I teach at Georgia Southern University. After eight weeks of learning the theory of public speaking, like audience analysis, opening and closing a speech, and supporting a thesis with research, and after getting up in front of the class at least once every period to…


Every Moment Matters

When I was younger, it seemed like the hours in the days, the days in the weeks, the weeks in the years, and the years in my life were infinite. I had so much time to be bored, and so much time to waste. As I entered my 20s and started working full-time after college,…


What One Question Should You Ask When You Face a Challenge?

What do you do when you face a challenge? Do you spend time wondering if you should take it? Instead of considering whether you should take the challenge, consider asking yourself, “How high can I rise with this challenge?” Reframing the question this way will provide a new perspective and give you a chance to…

30-day Challenge Jar

30-day Challenge Jar

A few months ago, I watched this short TED Talk by Matt Cutts titled, “Try something new for 30 days.” Here is the talk description: “Is there something you’ve always meant to do, wanted to do, but just … haven’t? Matt Cutts suggests: Try it for 30 days. This short, lighthearted talk offers a neat…



What causes one person to push through adversity while another one gives up? Why does one person give up on something new after the first try, while someone else keeps trying, over and over again to figure it out? Why are some people like Weebles—they wobble but they don’t fall down—while others not only fall…

Pain or Power Surperhero

Pain or Power?

There is a moment in every workout when you feel some pain—you might feel a slight twinge in a muscle, your quads might be telling you to just stop it already, or your shoulders might be screaming, “Why are you doing this to us?!?” This is the moment when you get to make a decision.…


Character—Is Anyone Watching?

I have heard many different definitions of the word, “character,” both in passing and from people who study this subject for a living. Some of the definitions were easy to remember, and some were quite complex. Throughout the years, I have developed my own, simple way of thinking about character: How you do anything is…

Taking Flight

Taking Flight

Lately, with our youngest child just six months from leaving for college, I have been thinking about home and what it means. It seems like just yesterday my husband and I got married and started our life together, creating a home and welcoming our three children into it. But now that our youngest is ready…


It’s Story Time

I have written before on this blog about stories, but it is a theme I keep coming back to because stories are so important in our lives. We tell ourselves stories every day. Are they empowering or limiting? Those are really the only two kinds of stories we can tell—empowering or limiting. I, for one,…


The Think Police: Arrest the Thoughts In Your Head

Thoughts are a funny thing—they seem so true and legitimate, but are they really? Is everything you think real? Does everything you think have to be true? The answer, unequivocally, is no! You do not have to believe everything you think. Getting control of your thoughts is one of the first things you can do…