Who Were You Created to Be?

Our son graduated from high school this past Sunday.

In the blink of an eye, he went from a cute little boy attending pre-K classes a few days a week to a handsome young man, ready to go off to college to discover who he is.

Will he become the person God created him to be, or will he just drift along, find the path of least resistance, and settle into an unfulfilling life?

Equally important, in a few short months, when my husband and I become empty nesters, will we just drift along, find the path of least resistance, and settle into an unfulfilling life?

No, we will not. We have not done that so far, and I am confident our son will not, either.

We are already making plans to visit the Grand Canyon, like we did 27 years ago when we were first married. After serving in the Navy for 21 years and working at Gulfstream as an operations manager for nine, Ed is now a pilot for Wheels Up.

I have started a communications consulting business and will grow my client list in the coming years. We feel we are on the precipice of something great—we do not know exactly what that is, but we are ready for it.

I once heard a story that a woman had died and gone to heaven and saw someone who looked remarkably like her but was somehow just a better version of herself. When she asked Saint Peter who the woman was, Saint Peter responded, “She was the woman you were meant to be.”

We do not want that to happen to us. We do not want to be a lesser version of ourselves than we were meant to be, and you should not either.

Start thinking now of who you were meant to be.

Stop drifting along.

Stop finding the path of least resistance.

Stop settling for an unfulfilling life.

Start becoming the person you were created to be—today.

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